Youth Conservation Corps Pano Reduced

Youth Conservation Corps

Granby Land Trust Youth Conservation CorpsThe primary mission of the Granby Land Trust Youth Conservation Corps (GLTYCC) is to help the Granby Land Trust complete high priority land management projects. Working outside, with peers, toward a common goal, can be physically and mentally rewarding; and many hands certainly make light work. The amount of work a group of eager teenagers can accomplish in a morning is remarkable.

Under the leadership of a GLT board member, volunteers help build and maintain trails and improve wildlife habitat. Work parties are held on weekend mornings, typically last two hours, and sometimes involve donuts.

The Granby Land Trust so appreciates the work of these volunteers. If you would like to join the Granby Land Trust Youth Conservation Corps, please send an email to or reach out to the YCC's 2022-23 Team Captain Chas Orluk to learn more. Candidates should be at least 14 years of age.


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5 days ago

A beautiful early spring day on the GLT’s Dismal Brook Wildlife Preserve. Photo taken yesterday by GLT Member Danny Cohan.

#GLTDismalBrookWildlifePreserve #DismalBrookWildlifePreserve #NorthGranbyCT #WestGranby #GranbyCT #LoveYourCTLandTrust #MyHappyPlace #Land4All #LandTrust #GranbyLandTrust
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A beautiful early spring day on the GLT’s Dismal Brook Wildlife Preserve. Photo taken yesterday by GLT Member Danny Cohan. 

#GLTDismalBrookWildlifePreserve #DismalBrookWildlifePreserve #NorthGranbyCT #WestGranby #GranbyCT #LoveYourCTLandTrust #MyHappyPlace #Land4All #LandTrust #GranbyLandTrust

Painted turtle 🐢 photographed by GLT Member Don Shaw, Jr. today at the pond on the GLT’s Mary Edwards Mountain Property. Spring is coming…

#PaintedTurtle #Turtles #MaryEdwardsFriendoftheLandTrustAward #CommunityHeroes #GLTAnnualMeeting #NorthGranbyCT #WestGranby #GranbyCT #LoveYourCTLandTrust #MyHappyPlace #Land4All #LandTrust #GranbyLandTrust
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Painted turtle 🐢 photographed by GLT Member Don Shaw, Jr. today at the pond on the GLT’s Mary Edwards Mountain Property. Spring is coming… 

#PaintedTurtle #Turtles #MaryEdwardsFriendoftheLandTrustAward #CommunityHeroes #GLTAnnualMeeting #NorthGranbyCT #WestGranby #GranbyCT #LoveYourCTLandTrust #MyHappyPlace #Land4All #LandTrust #GranbyLandTrust
2 weeks ago

✨GLT VOLUNTEER SPOTLIGHT - Mark Kennedy: The Land Trust relies on the important work of its many volunteers. This month we recognize Mark Kennedy, a Granby native and longtime GLT Member, who regularly steps up to support our work, always is available for our Preserve Our Property Days (he often recruits his sons to help as well!), is a major contributor to our annual Earth Day Weekend Cleanup, and is a big help with our property and trail maintenance efforts. We thank 👏 Mark for his commitment, time and energy - citizens like Mark are making a difference in our community.

#volunteer #VolunteerSpotlight #NorthGranbyCT #WestGranby #granbyct #LoveYourCTLandTrust #myhappyplace #Land4All #landtrust #GranbyLandTrust
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✨GLT VOLUNTEER SPOTLIGHT - Mark Kennedy: The Land Trust relies on the important work of its many volunteers. This month we recognize Mark Kennedy, a Granby native and longtime GLT Member, who regularly steps up to support our work, always is available for our Preserve Our Property Days (he often recruits his sons to help as well!), is a major contributor to our annual Earth Day Weekend Cleanup, and is a big help with our property and trail maintenance efforts. We thank 👏 Mark for his commitment, time and energy - citizens like Mark are making a difference in our community. 

#Volunteer #VolunteerSpotlight #NorthGranbyCT #WestGranby #GranbyCT #LoveYourCTLandTrust #MyHappyPlace #Land4All #LandTrust #GranbyLandTrust
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