Seth and Lucy Holcombe Preserve

Donated by Seth and Lucy Holcombe
LEARN MORE about Seth and Lucy Holcombe
Property Location
80 Silver Street, North Granby (Park at 70 Silver Street)
A parking area is available at the trailhead which is located at 70 Silver Street (you will see Seth and Lucy Holcombe Preserve property sign as you approach this location).
Total Miles of Trails
Approx. 3.7 miles
Featured Trail
From the Seth and Lucy Holcombe Trailhead which is at the far end of the Silver Street parking area, proceed up the orange trail (this part of the trail has the most incline you will experience). To the right of the orange trail, you will see the Ann Pelka Silver Street Preserve fields on the right along with a couple of old farm machines. Continue on the orange trail, you will bear left when you reach the ridge line which offers some views in the winter months. After you follow the orange trail along the ridge line for a bit it will take a left turn, continue to follow until you reach the intersection of the orange and blue trails. Take a right on the blue trail and follow the blue trail around the outside of the preserve, eventually passing through the south end of the Big Field. As you continue on the blue trail’s South Loop, you will reach an intersection with the orange/blue trail, take a right and proceed for a short time on this trail which will return you to the orange trail. Take a right on the orange trail to return down to the trailhead. Enjoy your walk on this beautiful property!
Track Your Location Using Avenza Maps®
Be Adventurous Without Getting Lost
As you walk this trail, track your progress and location using Avenza Maps®, a free app to view maps, even while offline. Scan this QR code to download the Seth and Lucy Holcombe Preserve map.
The Granby Land Trust has several trail maps available for download, including this one, for use in the app.