Schlicht Family Preserve

Parcel #1 (94 acres) was donated by Bob and Doreen Schlicht to the GLT in 2005. The remaining parcels, totaling 69 acres, were purchased by the GLT in a bargain sale in 2017.
Property Location
The Schlicht Preserve abuts the Katan-Ensor Preserve. Old Messenger Road, a discontinued woodland road in North Granby, runs through this property. Access is via the Katan-Ensor Preserve at 61 Strong Road in West Granby. A REMINDER: When traveling on Strong Road, please drive slowly as this is a residential neighborhood.
The trailhead that provides access to the Schlicht Preserve is located on the Katan-Ensor Preserve, at 61 Strong Road (located at the very end of Strong Road) in West Granby. Park in the lot and walk up the dirt road to the trailhead kiosk.
Total Miles of Trails
2.17 miles of cleared trails traversing through three of the GLT's Old Messenger Road Preserves (the Schlicht Family, Katan-Ensor and Garmany Preserves).
The Schlicht Family Preserve offers a range of beautiful natural features, including glacial erratics, seasonal waterways, beautiful woodlands and a spectacular outlook to the east, Scarlet Tanager Outlook (named because Scarlet Tanagers nest here and are regularly seen by visitors).
Featured Trail
Starting from the Katan-Ensor Preserve kiosk, walk up the red trail and then proceed onto the yellow trail, which starts on the Schlicht Family Preserve (you will see the property sign). Proceed on the yellow trail until it comes to an intersection, then take the yellow trail to the left and proceed up to Scarlet Tanager Outlook on the Schlicht Preserve. Hikers then have a choice: you can return the way you came OR you can return on the yellow trail for about 50 feet and then take a left onto the yellow trail and follow this trail (you’ll see some large glacial erratics) until you come to the intersection of the yellow and orange trails at the bottom of the hill. Take a left onto the yellow trail which will take you on to The Garmany Preserve. Follow the yellow trail. You will be walking parallel to Old Messenger Road and will eventually come to the Messenger Family Homestead area on your left (marked by sign on your left at intersection of yellow trail and Old Creamery Hill Road). Bear right on the yellow trail, proceeding down Old Creamery Hill Road. To get a great look at Mountain Brook and enjoy a quiet moment amongst a series of waterfalls, proceed past where the yellow trail goes to the right through the stonewall and then take a quick left to walk down to the brook (you will see yellow trail signs). From the Mountain Brook stop, proceed back up Old Creamery Hill Road for 30 feet and take a left onto the yellow trail. This section of the yellow trail will return you to The Schlicht Preserve and the intersection of the yellow trail (where you took a left to go to Outlook). Continue back down yellow trail retracing your initial route to the Katan-Ensor Preserve trailhead kiosk.
See GLT Walk Book for property history and more detailed information.
Track Your Location Using Avenza Maps®
Be Adventurous Without Getting Lost
As you walk this trail, track your progress and location using Avenza Maps®, a free app to view maps, even while offline. Scan this QR code to download the Katan-Ensor Preserve and Old Messenger Road Preserves (including the Schlicht and Garmany Preserves) map.
The Granby Land Trust has several trail maps available for download, including this one.