Preserving Granby's Natural Places

Saving Agricultural Land

Protecting Ecologically Sensitive Areas

Conserving Scenic Vistas

Sustaining Wildlife Habitat

Granby Land Trust

Founded in 1972, the Granby Land Trust (GLT) works to preserve Granby’s natural heritage through the conservation of its scenic vistas, open space corridors, wildlife habitat, ecologically sensitive areas, and agricultural land.

The GLT has protected 3,367 acres, as it owns 2,297 acres of land and holds conservation easements on an additional 1,070 acres. The Land Trust is committed to environmental education and provides and maintains walking trails on a number of its preserves.

The Land Trust earned National Accreditation by the Land Trust Alliance in 2014 and renewed its Accreditation in 2019, proving that it is committed to professional excellence, responsible governance and lasting stewardship of its properties.

Become a member today and help us preserve Granby’s natural places.

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3 days ago

✨GLT VOLUNTEER SPOTLIGHT - Mark Kennedy: The Land Trust relies on the important work of its many volunteers. This month we recognize Mark Kennedy, a Granby native and longtime GLT Member, who regularly steps up to support our work, always is available for our Preserve Our Property Days (he often recruits his sons to help as well!), is a major contributor to our annual Earth Day Weekend Cleanup, and is a big help with our property and trail maintenance efforts. We thank 👏 Mark for his commitment, time and energy - citizens like Mark are making a difference in our community.

#volunteer #VolunteerSpotlight #NorthGranbyCT #WestGranby #granbyct #LoveYourCTLandTrust #myhappyplace #Land4All #landtrust #GranbyLandTrust
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✨GLT VOLUNTEER SPOTLIGHT - Mark Kennedy: The Land Trust relies on the important work of its many volunteers. This month we recognize Mark Kennedy, a Granby native and longtime GLT Member, who regularly steps up to support our work, always is available for our Preserve Our Property Days (he often recruits his sons to help as well!), is a major contributor to our annual Earth Day Weekend Cleanup, and is a big help with our property and trail maintenance efforts. We thank 👏 Mark for his commitment, time and energy - citizens like Mark are making a difference in our community. 

#Volunteer #VolunteerSpotlight #NorthGranbyCT #WestGranby #GranbyCT #LoveYourCTLandTrust #MyHappyPlace #Land4All #LandTrust #GranbyLandTrust
💥Northeast view this morning from the GLT’s Western Barndoor Hill Preserve lookout.

#BarndoorHills #WesternBarndoorHill #WesternBarndoorHillsPreserve #TraprockRidge #McLeanGameRefuge #NorthGranbyCT #WestGranby #GranbyCT #LoveYourCTLandTrust #MyHappyPlace #Land4All #LandTrust #GranbyLandTrust

Nest box on the GLT’s Mary Edwards Mountain Property. This is one of 14 nest boxes maintained and monitored on our GLT properties. In all, these boxes yielded 76 fledglings in 2024: 23 Eastern bluebirds and 29 tree swallows. We thank GLT Member Martha Kane, who started our Nest Box Program – she is incredibly dedicated and devoted to protecting our feathered friends and the environment. We’d also like to recognize GLT Member Amy Woodman, who joined Martha in monitoring and maintaining the boxes this year, and GLT Vice President Dave Emery who built and installed a number of the boxes. We look forward to working together to help even more birds fledge in the future.

#EasternBluebird #TreeSwallow #GLTMaryEdwardsMountainProperty #NorthGranbyCT #WestGranby #GranbyCT #LoveYourCTLandTrust #MyHappyPlace #Land4All #LandTrust #GranbyLandTrust
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Nest box on the GLT’s Mary Edwards Mountain Property. This is one of 14 nest boxes maintained and monitored on our GLT properties. In all, these boxes yielded 76 fledglings in 2024: 23 Eastern bluebirds and 29 tree swallows. We thank GLT Member Martha Kane, who started our Nest Box Program – she is incredibly dedicated and devoted to protecting our feathered friends and the environment. We’d also like to recognize GLT Member Amy Woodman, who joined Martha in monitoring and maintaining the boxes this year, and GLT Vice President Dave Emery who built and installed a number of the boxes. We look forward to working together to help even more birds fledge in the future.

#EasternBluebird #TreeSwallow #GLTMaryEdwardsMountainProperty #NorthGranbyCT #WestGranby #GranbyCT #LoveYourCTLandTrust #MyHappyPlace #Land4All #LandTrust #GranbyLandTrust

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