Western Barndoor Hill Preserve

Our Town

Perhaps we're biased, but we think Granby, Connecticut, is a pretty spectacular town. Our rolling hills, open meadows, working farms, scenic vistas, and clean waterways create a beautiful, rural landscape. A myriad of hiking trails give residents and visitors opportunities for outdoor recreation. And large tracts of open land offer refuge and protection for our wildlife.

Land conservation affects not only our landscape, but our quality of life. Clean air, water and soil -- and opportunities to connect with nature -- are critical to our physical and mental health.

Thanks to some forward-thinking and incredibly generous individuals and a town government that understands and prioritizes the value of open space, approximately 8,500 acres of property in town are permanently preserved.

Here is a list of organizations with whom the Granby Land Trust has partnered over the years, who are doing good work to make Granby a special place to live and visit.

Friends of Holcomb Farm

Granby Agricultural Commission

Granby Artists Association

Granby Education Foundation

Granby Public Library

McLean Game Refuge

Salmon Brook Historical Society


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5 days ago

A beautiful early spring day on the GLT’s Dismal Brook Wildlife Preserve. Photo taken yesterday by GLT Member Danny Cohan.

#GLTDismalBrookWildlifePreserve #DismalBrookWildlifePreserve #NorthGranbyCT #WestGranby #GranbyCT #LoveYourCTLandTrust #MyHappyPlace #Land4All #LandTrust #GranbyLandTrust
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A beautiful early spring day on the GLT’s Dismal Brook Wildlife Preserve. Photo taken yesterday by GLT Member Danny Cohan. 

#GLTDismalBrookWildlifePreserve #DismalBrookWildlifePreserve #NorthGranbyCT #WestGranby #GranbyCT #LoveYourCTLandTrust #MyHappyPlace #Land4All #LandTrust #GranbyLandTrust

Painted turtle 🐢 photographed by GLT Member Don Shaw, Jr. today at the pond on the GLT’s Mary Edwards Mountain Property. Spring is coming…

#PaintedTurtle #Turtles #MaryEdwardsFriendoftheLandTrustAward #CommunityHeroes #GLTAnnualMeeting #NorthGranbyCT #WestGranby #GranbyCT #LoveYourCTLandTrust #MyHappyPlace #Land4All #LandTrust #GranbyLandTrust
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Painted turtle 🐢 photographed by GLT Member Don Shaw, Jr. today at the pond on the GLT’s Mary Edwards Mountain Property. Spring is coming… 

#PaintedTurtle #Turtles #MaryEdwardsFriendoftheLandTrustAward #CommunityHeroes #GLTAnnualMeeting #NorthGranbyCT #WestGranby #GranbyCT #LoveYourCTLandTrust #MyHappyPlace #Land4All #LandTrust #GranbyLandTrust
2 weeks ago

✨GLT VOLUNTEER SPOTLIGHT - Mark Kennedy: The Land Trust relies on the important work of its many volunteers. This month we recognize Mark Kennedy, a Granby native and longtime GLT Member, who regularly steps up to support our work, always is available for our Preserve Our Property Days (he often recruits his sons to help as well!), is a major contributor to our annual Earth Day Weekend Cleanup, and is a big help with our property and trail maintenance efforts. We thank 👏 Mark for his commitment, time and energy - citizens like Mark are making a difference in our community.

#volunteer #VolunteerSpotlight #NorthGranbyCT #WestGranby #granbyct #LoveYourCTLandTrust #myhappyplace #Land4All #landtrust #GranbyLandTrust
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✨GLT VOLUNTEER SPOTLIGHT - Mark Kennedy: The Land Trust relies on the important work of its many volunteers. This month we recognize Mark Kennedy, a Granby native and longtime GLT Member, who regularly steps up to support our work, always is available for our Preserve Our Property Days (he often recruits his sons to help as well!), is a major contributor to our annual Earth Day Weekend Cleanup, and is a big help with our property and trail maintenance efforts. We thank 👏 Mark for his commitment, time and energy - citizens like Mark are making a difference in our community. 

#Volunteer #VolunteerSpotlight #NorthGranbyCT #WestGranby #GranbyCT #LoveYourCTLandTrust #MyHappyPlace #Land4All #LandTrust #GranbyLandTrust
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